而历史哲学的任务并非建立客观历史的法则,而是建立历史分析和政治的法则。立足于基督教神学的历史分析,对于黑格尔而言只是一种方法论上的需要和方法 . .. ...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
你們得救在乎歸回安息 你們得力在乎平靜安穩
[我們把歸回安息 歸回這個字 我們原來就是轉回的意思 根據整個歷史背景在當時 亞述有十八萬多的大軍 準備兵臨城下 去奪取整個耶路撒冷 耶路撒冷被攻佔以後 猶太王國就沒有了 在這個時候當政的是希西家王 希西家王在面臨 這樣的問題的時候 他起先是依靠人的辦法 依靠自己 找埃及來當他的幫助 所以他不依靠神 他要依靠自己 他要靠自己的辦法 他想盡了自己的辦法 那麼也把國家裡面的金子等等 都刮下來 儘量的去滿足 亞述的需要 當他靠自己 當他靠自己的辦法 當他靠埃及的時候 他失敗了…準備要面對亡國滅種 這樣的命運 但當這樣一個 歷史背景裡面的時候 以賽亞起來 告訴希西家 一件事情說 你要得救嗎… 你要從這樣的光景裡面 被拯救出來嗎 那麼他說你必須轉回吧 歸回這個字翻成轉回更好 轉回的意思就是讓他悔改吧 不要再依靠人 不要再依靠自己了 起來 轉回 歸向神 那是悔改 哈利路亞 阿們 在上一次我們特別提到 什麼叫悔改 悔改是什麼 悔改是一個人以高度的懊悔 離開罪 阿不阿們 阿們 悔改 接著不只是這樣子而已 悔改也以高度的敬畏來轉向神 第三個 悔改是一個人 在神的面前 他不但高度的懊悔那些罪惡 高度的轉向神 他不堅持己見 我們發現這就是悔改 當然你們這樣悔改的時候 神拯救他 哈利路亞 阿們 弟兄姊妹我們也看到必須停止 那麼後面講說歸回安息 安息這個字的意思是 其實比較好的意思翻譯出來 直接的翻譯是停下來… 為什麼要停下來 當一個人得蒙神的拯救以後 那麼他要繼續享受拯救嗎 他要繼續享受神不但拯救他靈魂 拯救他的生命 拯救他的性格 拯救他的人際關係 拯救嗎 要繼續經歷神的拯救嗎 他的事業上面 在婚姻上面 要繼續經歷神的拯救嗎 他必須停止作惡 哈利路亞 阿們 也就是希西家 你要經歷神的拯救嗎 你不但要悔改 你要停止去依靠你自己 停止去依靠埃及 你不要再派你的使者 東奔西跑的去找救兵 你停下來 來仰望我吧 阿不阿們 阿們 當你們這樣做的時候 神就拯救了他 親愛弟兄姊妹我們需要神救我們 我們需要神重新把力量給我們 這是上一次的信息特別提到 跟大家談的 然而今天我要跟大家再談 我們再看 我們不單需要神拯救 我們需要力量 阿不阿們 阿們 ] ~
"可以解釋一下,聖經提到的各種「安息」的意義嗎?還有相關的一些小疑問?謝謝!(有人在我問「舊約也是因信稱義嗎?」的意見欄問「斷不得進入我的安息」是什麼意思,所以我問了這題,擴大了些,辛苦了!)(1)神創造萬物完畢,賜福給第七日,定為聖日;因為在這日,神歇了他一切創造的工,就「安息」了 (創2)神不是人,為何需要安歇休息呢?(2)摩西帶領以色列人出埃及後,十誡中明訂要守安息日,記念神的創造(出20)申命記再次講到十誡時,守安息日,是記念神領他們出埃及。為何兩處記載不太一樣?(3)利未記又提到,地也要安息,還有安息年。這些的意義?與安息日有關嗎?(4)「你們得救在乎歸回安息;你們得力在乎平靜安穩」(賽30:15"
"可以解釋一下,聖經提到的各種「安息」的意義嗎?還有相關的一些小疑問?謝謝!(有人在我問「舊約也是因信稱義嗎?」的意見欄問「斷不得進入我的安息」是什麼意思,所以我問了這題,擴大了些,辛苦了!)(1)神創造萬物完畢,賜福給第七日,定為聖日;因為在這日,神歇了他一切創造的工,就「安息」了 (創2)神不是人,為何需要安歇休息呢?(2)摩西帶領以色列人出埃及後,十誡中明訂要守安息日,記念神的創造(出20)申命記再次講到十誡時,守安息日,是記念神領他們出埃及。為何兩處記載不太一樣?(3)利未記又提到,地也要安息,還有安息年。這些的意義?與安息日有關嗎?(4)「你們得救在乎歸回安息;你們得力在乎平靜安穩」(賽30:15"
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
O-F open firmware cmd-opt ...][
dev /cpus/PowerPC,G4@0d# 867000000 encode-int " clock-frequency" propertyboot cd:,\\:tbxi
Yaboot from Firmware (alt-cmd-o-p) externat CD ...
post COPY from :
vbmenu_register("postmenu_2533411", true);
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: Vienna, Europe
Distribution: Gentoo, Kubuntu
Posts: 1 Thanks: 0 -->
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boot Linux from firewire device on Apple Powerbook
Dear all,Yes, you __can__ boot from a firewire CD
-Drive. I had the same problem recently (broken internal CD on my Powerbook G4 Ti), and here's how I got Kubuntu-Linux installed from a Kubuntu 6.10 PPC Live CD.1.) On the Linux CD you want to install from, check the location of the binary called yaboot. In my case (Kubuntu), this is /install/yaboot. Alternatively, you can look for the "vmlinux"-file - on the Kubuntu-CD, this is /casper/powerpc/vmlinux.2.) Macintoshes do __not__ have a "BIOS". Instead, they have something called "Open Firmware", the main difference being that OF is programmable (have a look in Wikipedia for additional human readable information :-)If your Mac doesn't boot from your Firewire CD, nor does the firewire-drive show up as an icon when you boot with the Option ("alt") key pressed, you have to boot into the Open Firmware. This is done by pressing Command (Clover) + Option (alt) + O + F during boot.3.) You will be greeted by some information about OpenFirmware and a boot prompt.Typedev / lsand a long list with all devices known by OF will be given. Hopefully at the end of the list you will find something similar to:/pci@f4000000/firewire@e/node@00d04b2a1604de5f/sbp-2@c000/disk@0This is the internal address of your firewire drive.4.) Now you're almost done. Typeboot [address]:,[path]where [address] is the address as found in 3. (without line breaks, though), and [path] is the path to yaboot as shown in 1.In my case, this is:boot /pci@f4000000/firewire@e/node@00d04b2a1604de5f/sbp-2@c000/disk@0:,\install\yabootNote the colon and the comma after disk@0, and note that the path has to be given with backslashes!5.) Press enter, and it should boot!Greetings from Vienna, Europe."
vbmenu_register("postmenu_2533411", true);
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: Vienna, Europe
Distribution: Gentoo, Kubuntu
Posts: 1 Thanks: 0 -->
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boot Linux from firewire device on Apple Powerbook
Dear all,Yes, you __can__ boot from a firewire CD
-Drive. I had the same problem recently (broken internal CD on my Powerbook G4 Ti), and here's how I got Kubuntu-Linux installed from a Kubuntu 6.10 PPC Live CD.1.) On the Linux CD you want to install from, check the location of the binary called yaboot. In my case (Kubuntu), this is /install/yaboot. Alternatively, you can look for the "vmlinux"-file - on the Kubuntu-CD, this is /casper/powerpc/vmlinux.2.) Macintoshes do __not__ have a "BIOS". Instead, they have something called "Open Firmware", the main difference being that OF is programmable (have a look in Wikipedia for additional human readable information :-)If your Mac doesn't boot from your Firewire CD, nor does the firewire-drive show up as an icon when you boot with the Option ("alt") key pressed, you have to boot into the Open Firmware. This is done by pressing Command (Clover) + Option (alt) + O + F during boot.3.) You will be greeted by some information about OpenFirmware and a boot prompt.Typedev / lsand a long list with all devices known by OF will be given. Hopefully at the end of the list you will find something similar to:/pci@f4000000/firewire@e/node@00d04b2a1604de5f/sbp-2@c000/disk@0This is the internal address of your firewire drive.4.) Now you're almost done. Typeboot [address]:,[path]where [address] is the address as found in 3. (without line breaks, though), and [path] is the path to yaboot as shown in 1.In my case, this is:boot /pci@f4000000/firewire@e/node@00d04b2a1604de5f/sbp-2@c000/disk@0:,\install\yabootNote the colon and the comma after disk@0, and note that the path has to be given with backslashes!5.) Press enter, and it should boot!Greetings from Vienna, Europe."
Thursday, April 05, 2007
gen 32 : 22-30
以掃雅各的爭鬥從領受父親的祝福就可看出端倪, 之後上帝假扮天使與亞各摔跤 雅各雖受傷仍使盡全力不得祝福決不讓步.也成了以色列立民支出爭戰永不服輸的榜樣.
拽營 耽擱 看中 保護 過去 七小 河西阿ch12
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
拽營 耽擱 看中 保護 過去 七小 河西阿ch12
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
串珠 康來昌 字彙 典藏
Monday, January 15, 2007
stanleychiang this moment...~ by mike THIS MOMENT
What is this moment?A crystal in time formedBy every moment that has come beforeThe heat of history, the pressure of the past compressAnd transform ash and gray stonesInto this diamond, refracting the full spectrum of love
What is this moment?A thread of grace spunBy the Weaver of time and spaceThe unknown needle, the thimble of Truth sewAnd stitch random shades and strandsInto this tapestry, beautifully realized existence
What is this moment?A beam of light radiatedBy the most distant star of nightThe chemistry of coincidence, the physics of fate burn outAnd ignite chaos and confusionInto this supernova, sparkling with imagination and possibility
When is this moment?It was then, it is now, and it will be foreverWhen You find me
This instant of eternity --
This is the HTML files.G o o g l e roams when the network can automatically transform the file the HTML homepage.If links to this homepage or joins the bookmark, please use this website:
Google and homepage author irrelevant, 容恕 is not responsible to homepage in.
Your inquiry character word has all marked as follows:
Page 1
Paulo correspondence
The curriculum studies the goal:
In this class, we can follow 使徒行傳 are describing Paulo's propaganda journey content, comments in his correspondence the special background and the subject, by
This inspects Paulo to raise in the herd with the propaganda in to the Christianity confidence understanding.
After completes this curriculum, the schoolmates must have the ability to achieve:
1. redischarges basic Paulo to serve the timeline.
2. redraws a Paulo each time propaganda travel the map (or a succession of map).
3. describes the Paulo each correspondence history and the social background.
4. explains the Paulo each correspondence basic information, and theology and ethics emphasis.
5. explanations present ages in Paulo correspondence and its in theology understanding essential subject.
Curriculum content:
The first class, the curriculum introduce -- to Paulo's synopsis: In front of letter Christianity's Paulo
Second class, Paulo's rotation adhere to letter
Third class, Paulo's first propaganda travel carat too -- "to Paulo's new viewpoint" center viewpoint
Fourth class, "to Paulo's new viewpoint" center viewpoint (continuation)
Fifth class, Paulo's third propaganda travel -- 1 Corinthians
Sixth class, 1 Corinthians (continuation), 2 Corinthians
The seventh class, the epistle to the romans, Paulo are arrested in Jerusalem
Eighth class, epistle to the romans (continuation), 歌羅西書, by not book
The ninth class, 腓 the advantage gate book, 腓 stands compares the book
The tenth class, teaches the herd epistles, reviews this curriculum
Curriculum form:
Each class course including English primitive teaching sound and with it synchronization Chinese program and the Chinese subtitles, is suitable for on-line to study the edition. Simultaneously has may arrange in order
India's Chinese and English program and Chinese practice book.
Teacher synopsis:
Dr. Luo I? chain handkerchief (Dr. Roy Ciampa) is Southern Han Nathan the Gordon □康威爾 theological school (Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary) New Testament associate professor and Th. M. Curriculum director. Chain handkerchief doctor in 1986 to Denver theological school (Denver
Seminary) obtains M. Div. Degree, in 1996 in Scotland Abe Ding university (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
Obtains the New Testament doctorate.
Chain handkerchief doctor is the New England person front, in comes the Gordon □康威爾 theological school to teach had 12 years cross cultural experience in Europe. He in Portugal
When 萄 the tooth Tojal gospel theological school (College of Evangelical Theological Education) teaches, body concurrently Holy Bible research speaking
Teacher (Lecturer in Biblical Studies) and research institute's convener (Coordinator of Grduate Studies). He is the Portugese luck
Sound alliance organization in religious doctrine, theology and ethics (Portuguese Evangelical Alliance ' s Commission on Doctrine,
Theology and Ethics) member, and continues to participate in the Portugese Holy Bible trade union (Portuguese Bible Society) in the modern grape
Tooth article Holy Bible translated edition revision work.
How does chain handkerchief doctor to the New Testament author them to the old testament and the theology understanding, apply their church in the actual need, special inspiration
Interest. He publishes the research paper is The Presence and Function of Scrpture in Galatians 1 and 2 (Tubingen,
Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 1,998). He other also has published several articles in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2,000), the Dictionary of New Testament Background
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2,000), as well as Portugese article periodical.
Chain handkerchief doctor is the American conservative Baptize Church (Conservation Baptist Churches of America) according to the herd pastor, and is the
Society of Biblical Literature, the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, the
Institute for Biblical Research, the Tyndale Fellowship of Biblical and Theological Research, as well as the
Evangelical Theological Society member.
Chain handkerchief doctor and wife Marcelle as well as two children Tim and Christina live in Massachusetts's Ipswich. -
What is this moment?A crystal in time formedBy every moment that has come beforeThe heat of history, the pressure of the past compressAnd transform ash and gray stonesInto this diamond, refracting the full spectrum of love
What is this moment?A thread of grace spunBy the Weaver of time and spaceThe unknown needle, the thimble of Truth sewAnd stitch random shades and strandsInto this tapestry, beautifully realized existence
What is this moment?A beam of light radiatedBy the most distant star of nightThe chemistry of coincidence, the physics of fate burn outAnd ignite chaos and confusionInto this supernova, sparkling with imagination and possibility
When is this moment?It was then, it is now, and it will be foreverWhen You find me
This instant of eternity --
This is the HTML files.G o o g l e roams when the network can automatically transform the file the HTML homepage.If links to this homepage or joins the bookmark, please use this website:
Google and homepage author irrelevant, 容恕 is not responsible to homepage in.
Your inquiry character word has all marked as follows:
Page 1
Paulo correspondence
The curriculum studies the goal:
In this class, we can follow 使徒行傳 are describing Paulo's propaganda journey content, comments in his correspondence the special background and the subject, by
This inspects Paulo to raise in the herd with the propaganda in to the Christianity confidence understanding.
After completes this curriculum, the schoolmates must have the ability to achieve:
1. redischarges basic Paulo to serve the timeline.
2. redraws a Paulo each time propaganda travel the map (or a succession of map).
3. describes the Paulo each correspondence history and the social background.
4. explains the Paulo each correspondence basic information, and theology and ethics emphasis.
5. explanations present ages in Paulo correspondence and its in theology understanding essential subject.
Curriculum content:
The first class, the curriculum introduce -- to Paulo's synopsis: In front of letter Christianity's Paulo
Second class, Paulo's rotation adhere to letter
Third class, Paulo's first propaganda travel carat too -- "to Paulo's new viewpoint" center viewpoint
Fourth class, "to Paulo's new viewpoint" center viewpoint (continuation)
Fifth class, Paulo's third propaganda travel -- 1 Corinthians
Sixth class, 1 Corinthians (continuation), 2 Corinthians
The seventh class, the epistle to the romans, Paulo are arrested in Jerusalem
Eighth class, epistle to the romans (continuation), 歌羅西書, by not book
The ninth class, 腓 the advantage gate book, 腓 stands compares the book
The tenth class, teaches the herd epistles, reviews this curriculum
Curriculum form:
Each class course including English primitive teaching sound and with it synchronization Chinese program and the Chinese subtitles, is suitable for on-line to study the edition. Simultaneously has may arrange in order
India's Chinese and English program and Chinese practice book.
Teacher synopsis:
Dr. Luo I? chain handkerchief (Dr. Roy Ciampa) is Southern Han Nathan the Gordon □康威爾 theological school (Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary) New Testament associate professor and Th. M. Curriculum director. Chain handkerchief doctor in 1986 to Denver theological school (Denver
Seminary) obtains M. Div. Degree, in 1996 in Scotland Abe Ding university (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
Obtains the New Testament doctorate.
Chain handkerchief doctor is the New England person front, in comes the Gordon □康威爾 theological school to teach had 12 years cross cultural experience in Europe. He in Portugal
When 萄 the tooth Tojal gospel theological school (College of Evangelical Theological Education) teaches, body concurrently Holy Bible research speaking
Teacher (Lecturer in Biblical Studies) and research institute's convener (Coordinator of Grduate Studies). He is the Portugese luck
Sound alliance organization in religious doctrine, theology and ethics (Portuguese Evangelical Alliance ' s Commission on Doctrine,
Theology and Ethics) member, and continues to participate in the Portugese Holy Bible trade union (Portuguese Bible Society) in the modern grape
Tooth article Holy Bible translated edition revision work.
How does chain handkerchief doctor to the New Testament author them to the old testament and the theology understanding, apply their church in the actual need, special inspiration
Interest. He publishes the research paper is The Presence and Function of Scrpture in Galatians 1 and 2 (Tubingen,
Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 1,998). He other also has published several articles in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2,000), the Dictionary of New Testament Background
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2,000), as well as Portugese article periodical.
Chain handkerchief doctor is the American conservative Baptize Church (Conservation Baptist Churches of America) according to the herd pastor, and is the
Society of Biblical Literature, the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, the
Institute for Biblical Research, the Tyndale Fellowship of Biblical and Theological Research, as well as the
Evangelical Theological Society member.
Chain handkerchief doctor and wife Marcelle as well as two children Tim and Christina live in Massachusetts's Ipswich. -
stanleychiang 啡藏人文
這是 的 HTML 檔。G o o g l e 在網路漫遊時會自動將檔案轉換成 HTML 網頁。若要連結至此網頁或加入書籤,請使用此網址:
Google 和網頁作者無關,對網頁的內容恕不負責。
Page 1
1. 重新排出基本的保羅的事奉年表。
2. 重新畫出一張保羅每次宣教旅行的地圖(或一連串的地圖)。
3. 描述出保羅每封書信的歷史與社會背景。
4. 解釋保羅每封書信的基本信息,並神學與倫理學的強調。
5. 解釋當代在保羅書信及其神學的理解上的關鍵議題。
羅伊․錢恩帕博士(Dr. Roy Ciampa)是南漢彌敦戈登―康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary)的新約副教授與 Th. M.課程的主任。錢恩帕博士於一九八六年於丹佛神學院(Denver
Seminary)取得 M. Div.學位,於一九九六年在蘇格蘭亞伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
萄牙 Tojal 的福音神學院(College of Evangelical Theological Education)執教時,身兼聖經研究的講
師(Lecturer in Biblical Studies)與研究所的召集人(Coordinator of Grduate Studies)。他是葡萄牙福
音聯盟組織在教義、神學與倫理學(Portuguese Evangelical Alliance’s Commission on Doctrine,
Theology and Ethics)的會員,並且繼續參與葡萄牙聖經公會(Portuguese Bible Society)在現代葡萄
趣。他發表的研究論文是 The Presence and Function of Scrpture in Galatians 1 and 2 (Tubingen,
Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 1998)。他另外還發表過數篇文章在 New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2000), the Dictionary of New Testament Background
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 以及葡萄牙文的期刊。
錢恩帕博士是美國保守浸信會(Conservation Baptist Churches of America)按牧的牧師,並且是 the
Society of Biblical Literature, the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, the
Institute for Biblical Research, the Tyndale Fellowship of Biblical and Theological Research, 以及 the
Evangelical Theological Society 的成員。
錢恩帕博士與妻子 Marcelle 以及兩個孩子 Tim 和 Christina 住在麻薩諸塞州的 Ipswich。
這是 的 HTML 檔。G o o g l e 在網路漫遊時會自動將檔案轉換成 HTML 網頁。若要連結至此網頁或加入書籤,請使用此網址:
Google 和網頁作者無關,對網頁的內容恕不負責。
Page 1
1. 重新排出基本的保羅的事奉年表。
2. 重新畫出一張保羅每次宣教旅行的地圖(或一連串的地圖)。
3. 描述出保羅每封書信的歷史與社會背景。
4. 解釋保羅每封書信的基本信息,並神學與倫理學的強調。
5. 解釋當代在保羅書信及其神學的理解上的關鍵議題。
羅伊․錢恩帕博士(Dr. Roy Ciampa)是南漢彌敦戈登―康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary)的新約副教授與 Th. M.課程的主任。錢恩帕博士於一九八六年於丹佛神學院(Denver
Seminary)取得 M. Div.學位,於一九九六年在蘇格蘭亞伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
萄牙 Tojal 的福音神學院(College of Evangelical Theological Education)執教時,身兼聖經研究的講
師(Lecturer in Biblical Studies)與研究所的召集人(Coordinator of Grduate Studies)。他是葡萄牙福
音聯盟組織在教義、神學與倫理學(Portuguese Evangelical Alliance’s Commission on Doctrine,
Theology and Ethics)的會員,並且繼續參與葡萄牙聖經公會(Portuguese Bible Society)在現代葡萄
趣。他發表的研究論文是 The Presence and Function of Scrpture in Galatians 1 and 2 (Tubingen,
Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 1998)。他另外還發表過數篇文章在 New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2000), the Dictionary of New Testament Background
(Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 以及葡萄牙文的期刊。
錢恩帕博士是美國保守浸信會(Conservation Baptist Churches of America)按牧的牧師,並且是 the
Society of Biblical Literature, the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, the
Institute for Biblical Research, the Tyndale Fellowship of Biblical and Theological Research, 以及 the
Evangelical Theological Society 的成員。
錢恩帕博士與妻子 Marcelle 以及兩個孩子 Tim 和 Christina 住在麻薩諸塞州的 Ipswich。
Thursday, March 30, 2006
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